Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Wire

I know I'm late, but damn this show is good. Best I've seen in quite some time. Well written and grimy as hell. HBO will go down in history for reinventing television.

Wait. Doesn't that foul-mouthed fellow look vaguely familiar? REWIND.

That is just great casting.


  1. Dave this song remind me of fifth grade (maybe sixth). I loved this song! Though, i didn't know of the remix.

    I heard the wire is amazing...i think i'll have to investigate (haha). also, have you seen deadwood? if not, you must.

    another things, your bazan download was in a weird worries, i bought it. I get it next week.

    later g,

  2. The remix is off the Judgment Night soundtrack. I would have posted to original video, but I couldn't find one with an embedded code. Both versions kill, though.

    My brother tipped me off on The Wire and it's got me totally captivated. I'm normally not into dramas; they often come off too corny and unrealistic - probably due to the restrictions of network television. But obviously shows on HBO can get away with pretty much anything and take it to the next level. The Wire is that next level. Peep that shit. And yeah, I'll check Deadwood when I'm done with this series.

    In terms of the weird format of the Bazan album, I imagine you are referring to the fact it was a WinRAR file. This is a compressed file (necessary to meet Mediafire's upload requirements). You need to decompress it to make the audio files playable. To decompress it you need to download the WinRAR program, which you download for free at (use the first link).

    It's good that you bought the album though, because I had to take the link down. I'll get to that another day. But I'd still recommend downloading WinRAR so you can get anything you might want off this or other sites.

