Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bit Wars

Wii Salute by the Angry Video Game Nerd

What side of the line were you on? I was a Nintendo kid. As sad as it may sound, I couldn't imagine my childhood without the NES or Super NES. Tecmo Bowl, Contra, Double Dragon I & II, Excite Bike, Bionic Commando, Super Mario Bros. 3, Final Fantasy II & III, Secret of Mana, Super Metroid, Super Mario RPG, Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball...too many good ones (and good times) to name them all. Unfortunately, once I bought a Nintendo 64 and found that there were a grand total of five good games for the system, my loyalty shifted towards Sony. I left the console wars with the PS2, using the system mainly as a DVD player throughout most of its lifespan, and only recently buying games for it, since they're so cheap now.

But with respect to the Bit Wars, I would say that while I was a Nintendo loyalist during those years, I didn't hate Sega. In fact, I was pissed that a lot of dope games for the Genesis never got a Nintendo release. I would have shit a brick if Streets of Rage, Joe Montana Football, or Eternal Champions had hit the Super NES. Fortunately, I had a friend - one whose name and person I can't remember - who rolled with Sega and got to play those and other gems. What I'm trying to say is that even though there was a war going on, people could still appreciate what both sides had to offer. So forget these X-Box flag-wavers who basically constitute a division of free marketing for Microsoft. You aren't representing anything other than your parents' cash-flow, which is what payed for your console and games. You are spoiled fucking nerds.

1 comment:

  1. I still to this day stand by Nintendo. There is a lot of stupid shit for the Wii, I'll give you that, but the games that are good (Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Punch Out!!, Zelda, Mario Kart) are still leaps and bounds better that anything i've played out other consoles. Their games still have that same endearing heart and soul to them that you loved so much as a child. I could give a shit to own a Xbox or PS3 and play the same 3 good games over and over where all you do is shoot aliens or nazi's. Nintendo is still the only company that knows how to make actual FUN games.

